Journal "Zernobobovye i krupânye kul'tury" №3,2024
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- Zotikov V.I., Gryadunova N.V. Scientific and technological development of plant production based on the interaction of science, technology and production; pр.5-11
- Mednov A.V., Goncharov A.V., Vol'pe A.A., Matveenko K.A. New variety of common spring vetch Moskovskaya 10; стр.12-15
- Gorbunova Yu. V., Vlasova E. V., Perchuk I.N., Aleksandrova T.G. Variability of the content of dry matter and protein in the forage mass of the hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) accessions from the VIR collection in contrast weather conditions in the Moscow province; pр.16-24
- Mammadova S.A., Jafarova E.E., Ibrahimova Z.Sh., Bakhshieva N.Ch., Akhmadova V.E. Effect of electromagnetic radiation on legume crops seeds; стр.25-31
- Ponomareva Sv. Vl., Ivenin Al. V., Bogomolova Ju. Al. Fodder characteristics of the green mass of field peas of the Krasivyi variety, depending on weather conditions, when cultivated in the Volga-Vyatka region; pр.32-40
- Fadeeva I.D., Kurmakaev F.F., Saubanova G.R. Formation of grain quality by winter wheat varieties; стр.41-47
- Pimokhova L.I., Misnikova N.V., Tsarapneva Zh.V., Kharaborkina N.I. Development and spread of fusarium in white lupin crops under different weather conditions in Bryansk region; pр.48-57
- «Dobenek Barrel» as a plant model; pр.58-69
- Sokurova L.H. The source material for the breeding of millet for environmental sustainability and high productivity; pр.70-76
- Eskova V.S., Gusev V.V., Khalikova M.M., Elenberger R.A., Khramov A.V., Nababkina K.A., Dustanov I.V. Grain sorghum varieties`characteristics and their adaptability parameters`assessment; pр.77-81
- Dronov A.V., Belchenko S.A., Mameev V.V. Effectiveness of comprehensive application of macro- and microfertilizers in cultivation of corn for grain in the Bryansk region; pр.82-87
- Pashkovskaya А.А., Pashkovsky A.A., Zvereva L.A., Baydakova E.V. The effect of increased doses of fertilizers on harvest of grain crops; pр.88-93
- Tsukanova Z.R., Guseva A.N., Latyntseva E.V. Influence of seeding rates on the yield of a new winter wheat variety Skipetr 2; pр.94-99
- Vilyunov S.D., Sidorenko V.S., Shaporova M.A., Mityukhina E.V., Glazkova L.I. Assessment of winter wheat overwintering by different vegetation indices;pр.100-105
- Mazalov V.I., Kuznetsov M.N., Zhuk G.P. The use of agrobiotechnological techniques in organic farming in the Orel region; pр.106-113
- Polukhin A.A., Zotikov V.I., Panarina V.I., Gryadunova N.V., Stefanina S.A. International cooperation of the Federal Scientific Center of Legumes and Groat Crops; pр.114-126
- Mengru Han, Feifei Zhang, Baili Feng Effect of tartary buckwheat and mung bean crop rotation and fertilizer application to alleviate its continuous cropping obstacles; pр.127-137
- Meng Wang, Xinxin Cao, Baili Feng Study on the effects of crop rotation and organic fertilizer application on the agronomic characteristics of millet; pр.138-149
- Li Zhaoting, Ding Yuduan Determining the best harvest period for Qin cui and Azhen Fuji apples; pр.150-159
- Kireenko N.V., Voitko I.A. The use of incentive subsidies in agriculture of the Republic of Belarus as a factor in increasing the efficiency of production and processing of grain crops; pр.160-170
- Kruk I.S., Hardeenka O.V., Fen Bayli, Anishchanka A.A. Peculiarities of using wind protection devices in the designs of boom sprayers when treating grain crops; pр.171-180
- Kukharchik V.M. Adaptation capabilities of pea varieties with different leaf apparatus architectonics. Methods of increasing the technological efficiency of the crop; pр.181-189
- Piliuk Y.E., Batiukova A.N., Bakanovskaya A.V., Pikun O.A. Results of studying variety samples of spring rape on the trait “resistance to lodging” of plants under artificial conditions; pр.190-194