Journal Zernobobovye i krupyanye kul'tury №1, 2015
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- Zotikov V.I. «Legumes and groat crops» figures and facts; р. 4
- Antonova M.A., Dutova A.A., Lun'kova A.A., Mescheryakova P.V., Milyaeva P.A., Sinyushin A.A., Toshchakova E.A. To studying of inheritance of morphotype chameleon of peas; р. 5
- Debelyj G.A., L.V. Kalinina, Mednov A.V., Goncharov A.V. New generation of varieties of leguminous crops released by the Moscow Research Institute of Agriculture; р. 10
- Zelenov A.A., Novikova N.E. Physiological features of dissected pinnuled leaf morphotype of peas in the pure and mixed sowings; р. 15
- Soboleva G.V. Comparative estimation of regenerated pea lines obtained with use of cell selection methods; р. 20
- Golopyatov M.T. Influence of biologically active substances and microfertilizers on increase and stabilization of grain yield of peas; р. 25
- Erohin A.I. Efficiency of use of biological preparations in presowing treatment of seeds and vegetating plants of leguminous crops; р. 29
- Gurjev G.P. Influence of the predecessor on symbiotic nitrogen fixation at peas; р.34
- Zolotarev V.N. Effect of depth on field planting seeds germination and seed productivity of grain feed vetch seeding; р. 38
- Zajceva A.I., Zajcev V.N. Sources of economic valuable attributes for selection of common vetch in the conditions of northern part of Central Black Earth Zone; р. 43
- Golovina E.V., Grishechkin V.V. Influence of inoculation and potassium humate on physiological and biochemical indicators of new varieties of soya; р. 45
- Donskaya M.V., Bobkov S.V. Protein content in seeds of collection samples of chick pea; р. 53
- Akulov A.S., Belyaeva Zh.A. Influence of elements of technology of cultivation on productivity of chick pea in the north of Central Black Earth Zone; р.56
- Аrtyukhov А.I. Lupin species adaptation to agrolandscape of Russia; р. 60
- Ryzhkova T.A., Tretyakov M.Yu., Chulkov A.N. Influence lupinus flour additives on biological value and structural-mechanical properties of the wheat dough; р. 67
- Pimokhova L.I., Slesareva T.N., Tsarapneva Z.V. Effect of insecticides against dominant pests in lupin crop; р. 71
- Zotikov V.I., Glazova Z.I. About increase of production efficiency of buckwheat grain in Russia; р. 75
- Nikiforova I.Yu. Evaluation of adaptive potential of samples of common millet from various groups of ripeness on the statistical parameters calculated by sign «productivity of grain» ; р. 79
- Surkov A.Yu., Surkova I.V. Millet breeding for resistance to smut in conditions of southeast Central-Chernozem zone; р. 83
- Voziyan V.I., Postolati A.A. Winter wheat in Republic Moldova (historical sketch); р. 87
- Kirjukhin S.V., Zarjanova Z.A. Studying of the attribute of spottiness of leaf of red clover and allocation of the perspective material; р.102