Journal Zernobobovye i krupianye kultury №2, 2014
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- Zotikov V.I. Innovative developments in selection of legumes and groat crops; p. 3
- Vishnyakova M.A., Burlyaeva M.O., Semenova E.V., Seferova I.V., Solov'eva A.E., Shelenga T.V., Bulyncev S.V., Buravceva T.V., Yan'kov I.I., Aleksandrova T.G., Egorova G.P. The starting material for selection for grain quality and green mass in the VIR collection of leguminous genetic resources; р. 6
- Sashchenko М., Podvigin О. Age changes of pea plants during ontogenesis; р. 17
- Davletov F.A., Gajnullina K.P., Ashiev A.R. New cultivar of grain pea pamyati Hangildina; р. 26
- Venevtsev V.Z., Zakharova M.N. Effectiveness of the application of herbicides in sowings of soya under the conditions of the Ryazan province; р. 31
- Reshetnikov A.A., Sokolov S. M. From experience of the premature soybean cultivation; р. 35
- Trach I.V. Influence of the extra root fertilizing on the yield soybean in conditions of the western Forest–Steppe of Ukraine; р. 39
- Fesenko A.N., Fesenko I.N. Mutations affecting development of flower and inflorescense in buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) ; р. 45
- Kotljar A.I., Sidorenko V. S, Varlahova L.N. Change of indicators of quality of grain at varieties of common millet cultivated in the Russian Federation in the course of selection; р. 51
- Surkov A.Yu. Results and prospects of selection of millet in Voronezh Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of Name of V.V. Dokuchayev; р. 56
- Tikhonov N.P. The peculiarities and results of millet breeding for resistance to melanosis grain; р. 60
- Batalova G.A. Perspectives and results of naked oats breeding; р. 64
- Germantsev N.I., Seleznev T.V. New varieties of chickpea and technologies of their cultivation; р. 70
- Naumkin V.P., Starostin A.A., Donskoj M.M. Species composition of hexapods on Lathyrus Sativus crops; р. 75
- Zakharova M.V., Lukashevitch M.I., Sviridenko T.V. Variability and interrelationship of productivity elements in white lupin varieties; р. 81
- Savvitcheva I.K., Draganskaya M.G., Lichenko P.Y., Nikolaeva L.A., Tchaplygina V.V. Some biological aspects of seed productivity development in yellow lupin (Lupinus luteus L.); р. 84
- Slesareva T.N., Pimokhova L. I., Tsarapneva Zh.V., Zaytseva N.M. Influence of disinfection terms and inoculation of lupin seeds on productivity and potential of nitrogen accumulation of narrow-leafed lupin; р. 90
- Ageeva P.A., Potchutina N.A., Troshina L.V. Vityaz - a new adaptive narrow-leafed lupin variety; р. 96
- Kosolapov V.M., Gaganov A.P., Zverkova Z.N., Vinzhega L.N. Effectiveness of using of vetch in the diets of broiler chickens; р. 100
- Tyurin Yu.S., Voronkova F.V., Mamaeva M.V., Mamaev A.A. Content of organic acids in green mass of vetch, oats, vetch-oats mixture and silo from it; р. 104
- Grabovets A.I. Other aspects of the breeding of winter wheat on winter hardiness under conditions of changing climate; р. 111
- Kirjukhin S.V., Zarjanova Z.A. Release and evaluation of hybrid material of meadow clover for selection in soil-environmental conditions of Central Black Earth Zone of the Russian Federation; р.116