Article structure
UDC ххх.ххх:(ххх.ххх+ххх.ххх)
Title of the article (centered, 12 pt)
Initials and surnames of authors (in the center, capital letters 12 pt)
The official name of the organization, city, country (left, 12 pt).
Abstract (200–250 words, page width, 12 pt). The abstract should be clear and informative (not contain common phrases, background information), original, informative (reflect the main content of the article), structured (written as one paragraph of the text, but follow the sequence of description of the results in the article). The abstract should contain a goal, a brief description of research methods, a description of the main results and concise conclusions. The text must use the terminology that is used in specialized international English-language journals on research topics. The abstract itself should be understandable without familiarization with the main content of the article. It was recommended to build most of the sentences on the model: “Discovered ...”, “Established ...”, “Clarified ...”, “Estimated impact ...”, “Characterized patterns ...”, “Considered ...”, etc.
Keywords (4-6 words, page width, 12 pt).
The introduction should contain a description of the problem being studied in the world scientific literature (it is necessary to use references for the last 5 years). The introduction ends with the characterization of the purpose of the work: “to identify ...”, “to characterize ...”, “to find out ...”, “to describe ...”; the goal of the work cannot be “study ...” or “explore ...”.
Materials and methods
The section should make it possible to repeat the entire volume of the studies to verify the data received by the author of the article. It can be divided into subsections if necessary. The section should create a complete view that the author of the work knows all the possible sources of errors that may affect the research results.
Results and Discussion
The section, if necessary, can be divided into subsections.
1. Latin names and related information (for example, the names of the authors or the year of description) must have the same formatting elements.
2. You can not provide references to a table or figure as a separate sentence.
3. SI units of measurement are given without a point (m, g, a, mol), and non-standard units with abbreviations.
4. The abbreviation of scientific terms cannot be used in the article..
5. The names of the tables and figures (as well as the notes to them) should be “comprehensive”. The reader does not have to re-read “Material and research methods” or the title of the work in order to understand the contents of the table or figure, to determine the repetition of studies.
Conclusion – 5–10 sentences. It is possible in the form of a list, it is possible in solid text.
Acknowledgments are given after conclusions before bibliographic references..
The number of literary sources should be no more than 10 for scientific articles and no more than 15 for review.
Examples of bibliographic references. GOST [State Standard] Р 7.0.5-2008 «Bibliographic reference. General requirements and compilation rules».
The References option (for foreign databases) is provided in a completely separate block, repeating the list of references to the Russian-language part, regardless of whether there are foreign sources in it. If the list contains references to foreign publications, they are completely repeated in the list, prepared in the Roman alphabet.
To obtain a transliterated list of references, you must use the program for transliterating Russian text into Latin in the BSI system (British Standard Institute) on the site,, or on other sites where there is online transliteration in the BSI system.
Transliterated: last name (s) I.O. author (s), title of article and Russian-language names of sources. The name of the source is in italics.
Translated into English: titles of articles, monographs, collections of articles, conferences. After the output, the language is indicated (in Russian).
• Translation of the title of the article, book, collection and journal into English is given in square brackets, after the transliterated title.
• Remove the sign «//»from the transliterated version, replacing it with a dot.
• Place of publication must be disclosed. For example, instead of M. specify Moscow.
• The number of pages in the form of “s” (123 s.) from the transliterated version of the reference should be replaced by “p” (123 p. - in the case of indicating the total number of pages in the source) or pp. (pp. 23–35 - when specifying the range of article pages in a journal or collection of articles).
• The number icon № in References is replaced by no.
Sample presentation of articles from Russian-language sources for References:
Author A.A., Author B.B., Author C.C. Author D.D. (All authors in transliteration are listed) Title of article. (Transliteration + Translation). Title of Journal (Transliteration in italics or transliteration in italics + translation in italics), 2019, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 49-53. (In Russian)
Debelyi G.A. Zernobobovye kul'tury v mire i Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Legumes in the World and in Russian Federation]. Zernobobovye i krupyanye kul'tury – Legumes and Groat Crops, 2012, no 2, pp. 31–35. (In Russian)
A detailed description of the processing of various kinds of references is located at
The literature does not include textbooks, GOSTs, dissertations and abstracts of dissertations, as well as other sources that are difficult to access for foreign readers.
Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic sources, including translation into English. Machine translation is not allowed!
All bibliographic references must be checked for the presence of DOI, be sure to indicate it. Responsibility for verifying the presence of DOI in bibliographic references lies with the authors of the article.
Criteria of authorship. The authors of the article must confirm in writing that they have equal rights to the article and bear equal responsibility for plagiarism).
Conflict of interests. Authors must declare no conflict of interest.
Information about authors. Name Patronymic Last name, organization, degree, title, position, e-mail, ORCID (access to the ORCID registry is free for individual researchers: You can get an ORCID ID, manage a record of your performance, and search the registry for other scientists. It is very important to provide the ORCID code every time you send the manuscript to the journal).
All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Typing and typing recommendations
Manuscripts are printed on one side of A4 sheet with 1.0 line spacing. Font Times New Roman, size - 12 pt. Indention - 1.0 cm.
The volume of experimental articles is from 5 to 10 pages; the volume of review articles is not more than 15 pages. The number of drawings should not exceed 5.
Tables and figures should be numbered in accordance with the content of the article. Statistical and other types of detail are given below the table in the notes. Tabular materials are placed in the text of the article immediately after the first mention of them.
Figures are numbered in the order of their discussion in the text. All text elements in images (graphs, charts, diagrams), if possible, should have Times New Roman font. The image after scanning when printing should be clear, to match the clarity of the main text. All names of figures and tables should be presented in Russian and English.
References in the text are given according to the model (surname, year), for example: 1 author – (Vinson, 1997); 2 authors – (Vargo and Laurel, 1994; Vargo and Hulsey, 2000); 3 and more authors – (Jones et al., 1978; Davis et al., 1989).
The manuscript must be signed by the authors and have a recommendatiion letter certified by the seal from the institution in which the work was done, confirming that the materials are published for the first time. In addition, all authors must provide a certificate (from each scientific institution in which the study was performed).
All articles submitted to the editor are checked for borrowings in the ANTIPLAGIAT system.
Publishing Rules
1. Only one article of the author can be printed in one issue of the journal.
2. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the reproduction of names, quotes, formulas, numbers.
3. Sent manuscripts will not be returned.
4. It is not allowed to send to the editorial office the articles that are sent to other publications or printed in them.
The editors reserve the right to reduce and correct the manuscript in agreement with the author.
There is no fee for posting articles from graduate students.
Authors publishing in this journal agree to the following:
1. Authors reserve the copyright to the work and grant the journal the right to first publish the work under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to distribute this work with the obligatory preservation of references to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal.
2. The authors reserve the right to conclude separate contractual arrangements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the work version in the form published here (for example, placing it in the institute’s repository, publication in a book), with reference to its original publication in this journal.
3. Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (for example, in the institute’s repository or personal website) before and during the process of reviewing it by this journal, as this can lead to a productive discussion and more references to this work (See The Effect of Open Access).
The names and email addresses entered on the website of this journal will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this journal and will not be used for any other purposes or provided to other individuals and organizations.

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